Apps Privacy Policy

This page applies to all of the applications that I maintain, write and own. The privacy policy describes how I access the user information, how is it used and what is shared with me or public audience.

What is accessed from your device

If any of my applications access your data, you are notified about such intents in description for that application before you download and install it. At most only

  1. Name and account details
  2. Location and other device APIs (requested at install time)
  3. Any usage details from online store as per developer requirements — including but not limited to crash reports, application hangs etc.

These are accessed and are kept offline in the application as long as you use or when you chose to sync on OneDrive. Otherwise no data is accessed or used from your device.

Note: Your personal account information is never used, tampered or shared with public audience and I (or the company) would never send spam emails for any promotional work.

How is it used?

The information collected from your device is used in your own device. Like, for example, to build a better UX and UI for the application. We may use your name or information to fill in the views for our application.

We may use the API services in your device to provide you services and data on your device, online store servers (such as for Push Notifications), because we will be using native APIs.With the requests, not personal data will be shared and requests will be anonymous (unless allowed to contain name/contact detail information) No personal user data will be shared with any third-party service, if needed to share the data you will be notified prior to installation.

What is shared with others

I (or the company) are not interested in your data and we respect your privacy and data. Our applications are just to serve you and facilitate you in your processes and management and never to share your data maliciously with others to earn anything.

Your data belongs to you.

Changes and updates

Any changes or updates in our privacy policy will be shared on this page and this page will always be updated to make sure that you are aware of our actions and you know how your data is being used to serve you. If you ever want to opt-out you can remove our application or cancel any subscriptions that you have.

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